Seascape Study: Brighton Beach looking west
Seated male nude
Shaftesbury House, Aldersgate Street
She ... rushed out of the ballroom
Shipyard at Palma in Majorca
Shoe fastened by a ribbon tie; from T. Watson Greig, from 'Ladies' Old-fashioned shoes', 1885
Shoe of Lilias, daughter of the 12th Earl of Eglinton; from T. Watson Greig, from 'Ladies' old-fashioned shoes',1885
Shoe said to have belonged to Mary Queen of Scots; from T. Watson Greig, from 'Ladies' old-fashioned shoes', 1885
Shoe with moveable pattern
Shop in Brewer Street, Soho
Shop, Macclesfield Street, Soho
Six studies of a cat
Skeleton of horse, contact with ground after leaping.
Skeleton of horse, contact with the ground whilst running
Skeleton of horse, off the ground whilst running
Skeleton of horse, running, leaving the ground
Skeleton of horse, standing
Skeleton of leaping horse, leaving the ground.
Sleeping Nymph and Satyrs
So many Summer Flowers!